ACM | Autoriteit Consument & Markt (Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets) |
AG | Advocate General |
AGCM | Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (Italian Competition Authority) |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
API | Application Programming Interface |
AWS | Amazon Web Services |
B2C | Business-to-consumer |
BEUC | Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (The European Consumer Organisation) |
BGB | Bürgerlich Gesetzbuch (German Civil Code) |
CCPA | California Consumer Privacy Act |
CJEU | Court of Justice of the European Union |
CMA | Competition and Markets Authority |
CMP | Consent management platform |
CPC | Consumer Protection Cooperation |
CRD | Consumer Rights Directive |
CrUX | Chrome User Experience Report |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets |
CSSOM | CSS Object Model |
CV | Computer Vision |
DMA | Digital Markets Act |
DOM | Document Object Model |
DPbD | Data Protection by Design |
DSA | Digital Services Act |
DSD | Distance Selling Directive |
ECC | European Consumer Centres |
ECD | e-Commerce Directive |
EDPB | European Data Protection Board |
EECC | European Electronic Communications Code |
ELI | European Law Institute |
EU | European Union |
FIR | Regulation on Food Information to Consumers |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
GPSR | General Product Safety Regulation |
GVH | Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (Hungarian Competition Authority) |
HCI | Human-Computer Interaction |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language |
IMCO | (European Parliament) Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection |
MS | Member State(s) |
NCC | Norwegian Consumer Council |
NLP | Natural Language Processing |
OCA | Online Choice Architecture |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
PID | Price Indication Directive |
SMEs | Small and medium-sized enterprises |
TFEU | Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union |
UCPD | Unfair Commercial Practices Directive |
UI | User interface |
UK | United Kingdom |
UX | User experience |
VZBV | Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (Federation of German Consumer Organisations) |